Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The dark days before Christmass

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year, so from now on the days will lengthen and the darkness less long. Not just winter has started, but also the sickness of my stepfather holds him in the hospital. He has lost a lot of weight and he has no strength. My daughter is looking for a good place for him nearer to where she lives and this is definitely also nearer to where I live. He is now in the geriatric section of Saint Jozef Hospital in Malle. I totally agree with my daughter's initiatives she is taking for him. He would have more often a visitor, which I hope he would like.
Obviously he is weak. It must be hard to be so sick in the most festive time of the year. He has a room now without a second person in the second bed.  What bothers me is that the clock which is in the room has been on 20 past 3 since days. I think he would appreciate to see the time pass and not just see it standing still.
The care is good and the nurses post is right across from his room, that is reassuring. So we must do what needs to be done.

1 comment:

  1. hello this is bret carroll the young preacher from chloride not so young now
    how are you? i read your blogs and agree with your politics....
