Wednesday, December 13, 2006

First steps

Reflexivity was the first blog I started reading and have been reading for well over a year now. The scientific/personel mix pleases me. I learned about language, framing, thoughts about deaf/hearing issues and interpreting in such a setting. I like her outspoken advocacy about gay and lesbian issues and empowerment of the deaf. She also shares her thoughts about blogging, what can go in it, when people are proud or annoyed to find themselves in a blog. Obviously, once you write and publish that becomes an issue. Steph posts every day, an act I won't follow.
Redemption Blues by Chameleon became another travelcompanion. She posts whenever it works for her, sometimes long, well thought out social commentary, other times lyrical personal thoughts, sometimes scathing entrees about her semi-servitude as a civil servant. Mind you Chameleon is nobody's servant. Bits of translations and photo galleries are nice touches.
The third blog I read is The Sceptical Futuryst. Interest in futures? read his thoughtful blog.
Mine will be nothing like the three insightful blogs I cherish. But it is just another path to walk on and a way to share thoughts and visions. I wanted in this first post to pay homage to whom lured to this bend in the road. My intention is to post reading notes, travel writing, peace and environmental thoughts.

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