Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Two versions

An American plane crashed last Sunday in Zaventem, Belgium's National Airport. There are two versions about the plane: 1. It is an American diplomatic plane flying to Bashrain. 2. It is an American military plane with military good for Iraq... Military planes aren't subjected to the same checks as civilian airplanes which could be a factor in the crash...
You decide, both sources had the same degree of trustworthiness.


  1. There are also third and fourth versions about the 'American Plane Crash'.
    3. It was not an American plane, it was an Israeli jet disguised as an American plane, purposely crashed in order to stir up anti-American resentment among the Belgiumians, in the hope that they will increase their foreign aid to Israel.
    4. There was no crash. The reported story was a bit of Al Quaeda propaganda in order to stir up anti-American resentment among the Belgiumians, in the hope that they will increase their foreign aid to Palestine.

  2. hahaha 't is een nieuwe Belgenmop!

  3. Versie 5: 't waren meubelen voor de soldaten!!!
    En hédde gij meubele dan kunde gij trouwe mé aa lief (awe zot!)
    Leve de Belgenmoppen.
