The blue Safire in white gold, the only memento from my grandmother
The white gold Omega Tony bought in a sale, his last present to me
A golden pound my grandparents gave me at my communion.
A Mexican golden chain with the Madonna de Guadeloupe, Tony and I wore both,
Taken off for a bath and waiting to be put on again
My wedding ring from my first marriage
Two Tony rings one gold with a diamond: he called it a Rosicrucian ring
A gold artist made ring with jade and chips of emerald, which Tony added
A little golden ring with a triangle with diamond chip that is mine thanks to you Jim
My privacy, walking through my bathroom, bedroom, taking little gold rings, in Black Hills gold a tiny heart
and the small golden M, I was going to give to my daughter
my privacy
you invaded, desecrated
I find little empty box upon empty box, also in the other room
You took
You left
my memories, my good pen, my turquoise…
Clowns from Amsterdam
11 years ago
As soon as I read 'Broken In', I wanted to write and commiserate. But I didn't know what to say. I still don't, but what the hell, why should that stop me, never has before. Besides, you don't need commiseration, since your last thought is about what you have remaining, you are healing. All things, like life itself, are just for us to use for a while, as if we were renting, or borrowing them. It's a weird deal, because we don't know the terms of the rental, especially for how long it will last. So the moral is, choose your things wisely, appreciate them while in your care, and be very, very aware that 'things' may change, at any moment. If you can get to the point where you welcome change, all change (which is, after all, the very essence of life, that things will change...despite our stubborn efforts to maintain the 'status-quo'), you will have achieved almost all of what life is about. And if you can do that while you still have some life left, your remaining time will be spent in one long, beautiful schuss downhill through welcoming powder, laughing all the way.